Tag: panais

Vegetable stew with cabbage, turnip, carrots and parsnip

Veggie stew2

A French-inspired recipe with a stew made with cabbage, turnip, carrots, and parsnip. This dish is pretty popular in France, it is something that we have during summer when I was a kid. Usually, it is served with a large piece of meat but since I turned vegetarian/flexitarian, I am trying to find some alternative….

Tumeric basmati rice with carrots, parnisp, mushrooms and green lentils

Tumeric rice with veggie2

I enjoy cooking and making my own lunch box for the lunch break at the office, making lunch box can be a real challenge as I want to keep the food appealing and as fresh as possible in a plastic box which has been carried in an overcrowded and overheated tube. As I read a…

Parsnip and sweet potatoes soup with a dash of truffle oil

Soup with sweet potatoes, parsnip and truffle oil2

I love making soup at night. It is one of way to cool down after a long day at work. But I quite understand that it could be boring to eat soup every night, it is why I have a lot of recipes of soup, don’t hesitate to check on the website (there is a…